MNPP-01 Project


Name of the Project

R&D for high luminosity colliders


Project Manager

Makoto Tobiyama (Professor, Accelerator Laboratory, KEK)

飛山 真理・加速器研究施設・教授

Overview of the Project

The purpose of the project is to achieve the very challenging performance goals of high luminosity colliders, especially SuperKEKB, via the international collaboration.

Term of the Project

5 years, from May 9th 2017 to May 8th 2022
(3 years extension approved due to the COVID-19 pandemic)

Details of the Project

Please see below for more details of SuperKEKB:




MNPP-03 Project


Name of the Project

R&D for X-ray and γ-ray source based on Inverse Compton scattering and for Dielectric Wake-field Acceleration Structures & Radiation Mechanism


Project Manager

Alexander Aryshev (Associate Professor, Accelerator Laboratory, KEK)

アリセフ アレキサンダー・加速器研究施設・准教授

Overview of the Project

1. To establish the technology for laser pulse power accumulation in special, self-starting optical cavity with the high multiplication factor to achieve more than 10MW as the stored power.
2. To study the Compton collision scheme for efficient X-ray and g-ray generation.
3. To study the dielectric wake-field acceleration structures including its radiation mechanisms in GHz-THz range for efficient energy de-chirping and possibly cooling of the relativistic electron beam to increase monochromaticity of the scattered light.

Term of the Project

5 years, from September 9th 2020 to September 8th 2025




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