Press Release

Call for Nomination for Next Director-General of KEK

10 May 2011

KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, invites nominations for the next Director-General whose term will begin April 1, 2012.

KEK is an Inter-University Research Institute Corporation open to domestic and international researchers, and is comprised of the Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, the Institute of Materials Structure Science, the Accelerator Laboratory, and the Applied Research Laboratory. KEK pursues a wide range of research activities based on accelerators, such as particle and nuclear physics, material sciences, biosciences, accelerator physics and engineering, etc.

The role of Director-General, therefore, is to promote with long-term vision and strong scientific leadership, the highly advanced, internationalized, and inter-disciplinary research activities of KEK by getting support from the public. The successful candidate is also expected to establish and carry out the medium-term goals and plans.

The term of appointment is three years. When reappointed, the term can be extended up to 9 years.
We widely accept the nomination of the candidates regardless of their nationalities.

We would like to ask you to recommend the best person who satisfies requirements for the position written above.

Nomination should be accompanied by: 1) letter of recommendation, 2) brief personal history of the candidate, and 3) list of major achievements (publications, academic papers, commendations and membership of councils, etc.). The nomination should be submitted to the following address no later than July 8, 2011:
※Documents should be written either in English or in Japanese. ( WORD 16KB    PDF 33KB)

Tei’ichi Satoh
The Chair of Director-General Selection Committee
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization

Inquiries concerning the nomination should be addressed to:

General Affairs Division
General Management Department
KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Japan 305-0801

Tel +81-29-864-5114
Fax +81-29-864-5560