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last update: 05/11/29   
HEP Data Grid Workshop 2005 held on Nov. 21-22

The third workshop on HEP Data Grid was held on Nov. 21 to 22 in KEK. Participants from the Asia-Pacific countries and regions reported the operations and future plans of the LCG (LHC Computing Grid) and discussed the future collaborationn on the operation. This workshop has been organized by KEK Computing Research Center every
autumn, in order to encourage and promote the use of Grids in the accelerator science in Japan.
LCG has been used between CERN and the participating institute on one-by-one basis to date. The aim of the workshop is to facilitate the collaboration among institutes in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China and Australia to improve the seamless operations of the grid for the research activities.
The workshop picked up the Belle experiment as a candidate experiment for the collaboration of the Grid operation. Participants learned the configurations and setup of the LCG during the tutorials on the 17th and 18th. Also they agreed to share the environment for the platform of the data analysis of the Belle group.
The workshop organizers plan to develop research environment by utilizing common sets of middle ware for the ILC and the other projects in future.

[ Related links ] HEP Data Grid 2005 HP

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