KEK and ThEPCenter signed the MOU on Academic and Research Cooperation
25 Nov, 2011
First of all, we would like to express our deepest condolences and hope that Thailand will recover from the flood disaster as soon as possible.
On November 18, Dr. Thiraphat Vilaithong, Executive Director, Thailand Center of Excellence in Physics (ThEPCenter), visited KEK to attend the Groundbreaking Ceremony for the SuperKEKB project, and finalized the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Academic and Research Cooperation between KEK and ThEPCenter.
KEK and Thailand have a long history in the field of accelerator-based science, such as synchrotron light source facilities. To install the SORTEC storage ring and modify the storage ring cavity for the purpose of reduction of instabilities in operation, KEK gave a lot of support to Synchrotron Light Research Institute (SLRI). These works have been carried out in collaboration with the KEK Photon Factory.
Now, the collaboration between KEK and Thailand opens the window towards the next-stage. Last week, the parliament of Thailand approved to support the collaboration between KEK and ThEPCenter. ThEPCenter is a potential Belle-II collaborator, and this MOU promotes that ThEPCenter attends the SuperKEKB project near future.