
日時: 2007-03-07 13:30 - 14:30
場所: KEKB制御棟会議室
会議名: Enhancements to the XAL Online Model for J-PARC:
連絡先: 池上雅紀 'masanori.ikegamikek.jp'
講演者: Dr. Christopher K. Allen  (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
講演言語: 英語
アブストラクト: The XAL accelerator application framework was originally designed with specific architectural goals which are important to recognize in order that future upgrades are consistent with these goals. Consequently software engineering is a very important aspect of XAL development. I will discuss various topics of this software engineering in general, and with specific regard to the XAL framework. Also, I will briefly outline the specific enhancements to the XAL online model made during my sabbatical time at J-PARC. Some of this work included adding additional simulation capabilities to the online model, correcting existing ones, and verification. However, much effort was also devoted toward refactoring existing code into a more robust and upgradeable software system consistent with the XAL architecture.
