
日時: 2008-07-04 10:00 - 12:00
場所: 3号館5階会議室(525)
会議名: Large angle beamstrahlung at CESR
連絡先: 生出勝宣
講演者: Prof. Giovanni Bonvicini  (Wayne State University)
講演言語: 英語
アブストラクト: Luminosity optimization requires a detailed understanding of the beam-beam interaction (BBI). This is even more important when the machine collides beams from independent accelerators, as is the case in BELLE and the ILC. Large angle beamstrhalung provides potentially important information about the properties of the BBI. Results from the CESR prototype are presented,and some features of a possible KEK-BELLE device are discussed. Finally, the potential detection of coherent beamstrahlung at KEK-BELLE,in the microwave region of the spectrum, is briefly discussed.
