
日時: 2008-12-08 - 2008-12-12
場所: 4号館3F セミナールーム
会議名: KEK Cosmophysics Workshop DE2008
連絡先: Hideo Kodama, Cosmophysics Group, IPNS, KEK
URL: http://www-conf.kek.jp/DE2008/KEK-CPWS-DE2008.html
アブストラクト: The main purpose of the workshop is to draw a definite conclusion about the reality of cosmological acceleration at present or at least provide a chance to kick off serious collaborations of theoretical studies on observational cosmology to finalise this issue. The style of the workshop is to have about two seminar/discussion sessions per days, and as much time as possible is left for mutual discussions/interactions. Because of this nature of the workshop, we basically restrict the participants to those who were invited by SOC. The total number of participants will be limited to about 25.
