
日時: 2007-11-08 10:00 - 11:00
場所: 4号館1階127室
会議名: Application of High Tc Superconductor in Accelerators: Status and Prospects.
連絡先: 864-5459
講演者: Dr. Amalia Ballarino  (CERN)
講演言語: 英語
アブストラクト: Remarkable improvements in the properties of High Temperature Superconductors have been achieved over the last years, and a number of electrical applications are emerging. Power transmission cables, fault-current limiters, transformers and electrical motors are examples of devices which are moving from the prototype stage to real applications, and are being presented as possible candidates for replacement of conventional equipment. After a short review of the status of the High Temperature Superconducting materials available today, the present and future application of HTS to accelerator technology will be discussed. The status of the LHC HTS current lead project will be presented, together with some proposals concerning other potential applications of HTS, some of which could be of interest for upgrades of the LHC machine.
