
日時: 2004-11-30 16:00 - 16:40
場所: 4号館2階輪講室1
会議名: 物構研セミナー「Current Status of Materials Science Research at Research and Development Centre for Materials Science and Technology, Batan」  
講演者: Dr. Syarofie Ridwan  (Research and Development Center for Materials Science and Technology, BATAN)
講演言語: 英語
URL: http://pfwww.kek.jp/pf-seminar/
アブストラクト: Research and Development Center for Materials Science and Technology (RDCMST), instead of Materials Science Research Center after the reorganization of Batan establihed at January 2001. The main activity of the center is to carry out the research and development of materials science. For that, the center have equipped with some neutron facilities and supported by others non-neutronic facilities. In this presentation it will be described about the Organization Structure of Batan,Organization Structure of RDCMST, Human Resources at RDCMST, Facilities and Current Research Activities. However, in this occasion it will be discussed mainly about current research activities at Advanced Materials Science Division, related to the magnetic, superionic and superconductor materials.
