
日時: 2002-11-30 - 2002-12-05
場所: 機構4号館1階セミナー室
会議名: 第4回核破砕材料の科学と技術に関する研究会」
連絡先: 川合 將義
講演言語: 英語
アブストラクト: At this workshop, material issues for spallation netron sources for neuteron scattering facilties, accelerator driven system to transmute long-lived radioactive nuclides (ADS) and future neutrino factory using mercury target will be discussed with five invited foreign speakers from ORNL, PSI, CSA and Tsinghua University. The topics are project status of JSNS of J-PARC, SNS and CSNS, cavity and pitting (the most current problem of mercury target), target material development and water chemistry, spallation targets (including neutrino factory), accelerator driven system, radiation damage and its computer simulation, cladding technique for solid target and moderator, microstructure related Issues.
