
日時: 2006-09-08 15:00 - 16:00
場所: PF研究棟2階会議室
会議名: 放射光セミナー「XAS study of lithium battery materials」
講演者: Professor Guy OUVRARD  (Institut des Materiaux Jean Rouxel Nantes)
講演言語: 英語
URL: http://pfwww.kek.jp/pf-seminar/
アブストラクト: During the functioning of the lithium batteries, the electrode materials have to accommodate reversibly extra electrons and lithium atoms. This induces charge transfers and structural changes which may influence largely the behaviour of the electrodes and the performances of the batteries. X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) has proved to be very efficient in characterizing the changes in the materials, in both the XANES and EXAFS parts. After an introduction of the lithium batteries and the electrode materials, we will exemplify the power of XAS on three different compounds : LiNiVO4, Li1.1V3O8 and -MnO2. We will especially put in evidence the interest of a combination between the XAS data and first principles calculations of electronic structure and total energy.
