
日時: 2008-06-17 13:30 - 15:00
場所: PF研究棟2階会議室
会議名: 放射光セミナー「Charge-transport mechanisms in thin organic films and at interfaces studied using advanced photoelectron spectroscopies」
講演者: Dr. Rainer Friedlein  (北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 マテリアルサイエンス研究科)
講演言語: 英語
URL: http://pfwww.kek.jp/pf-seminar/
アブストラクト: In the rapidly developing field of organic electronics, many elementary processes behind the transport of charge carriers within the bulk of the materials and at interfaces are only partially understood. In this presentation, I review our recent studies of parameters essential for the charge transport in well-defined mono- and multilayer films of polyaromatic molecules, using (angle-resolved) ultraviolet photoelectron and resonant photoelectron spectroscopic techniques. In particular, the intramolecular charge-vibrational coupling related to the geometric relaxation accompanying a charge, the dynamic screening of individual charge carriers, the intermolecular band width related to the charge transfer integral, as well as structure-and orbital-dependent femtosecond charge transfer processes at organic/inorganic interfaces are discussed.
