
日時: 2004-01-16 16:30 - 18:00
場所: 物構研構造生物実験準備棟会議室
会議名: 放射光セミナー「Protein Structure-Function Analyses; The Road from Prediction to Confirmation」
講演者: Prof. Zehra Sayers  (Sabanci University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences)
講演言語: 英語
URL: http://pfwww.kek.jp/pf-seminar/
アブストラクト: Understanding structure-function relationships provide insights for fundamental processes in biological systems, indicate directions for designing new molecules and engineering modifications. Methods for experimental structure determination and protein structure modeling have been rapidly developing over the last decade allowing prediction of structure-function relationships. We have been involved in structural analyses of low molecular weight metal binding proteins metallothioneins (MTs) with a view of developing new metal tolerance and metal scavanging systems in plants. MTs are small, cystein rich proteins present in a wide range of organisms including fungi, plants and mammalian systems. Although the main function of this protein family is not yet known, they appear to be involved in heavy metal detoxification, and zinc and/or copper regulation. A new MT gene sequence has been identified in Triticum durum (pasta wheat) genomic DNA, Analyses of the gene structure and the sequence of the putative protein indicate that T. durum MT (dMT) can be classified as a Type 1 MT with typical cystein rich motifs in N-and C-termini. dMT was overexpressed in E.coli as a GST fusion and in the presence of the fusion protein bacteria showed increased tolerance to Cd in the growth medium when compared with controls expressing only GST. Recombinant GST-dMT and dMT were biochemically characterized, and in parallel the 3-D structure of dMT was modeled using bioinformatics tools. Results indicate a high structural similarity with the mammalian MT-1 protein for the metal centers and the long hinge region connecting the metal centers, modeled separately, appears to be where possible protein-protein and/or protein-DNA interaction sites are located. These results are discussed in the light of small angle solution X-ray scattering measurements and possible function(s) MT in plants.
