
日時: 2004-12-14 16:00 - 17:00
場所: 4号館3F輪講室345
会議名: Hypernuclear Physics with FINUDA at DAPHNE
連絡先: 物理セミナー世話人
講演者: Prof. Tullio Bressani  (Dipartimento di Fisica Sperimentale- Universita' degli Studi di Torino)
講演言語: 英語
URL: http://seminar.kek.jp/physics
アブストラクト: The FINUDA experiment at DAPHNE-Frascati (Collaboration Bari- Brescia-Frascati-KEK-Pavia-Rjken-Seoul-Torino-Trieste-TRIUMF) has successfully accomplished the first round of data-taking. The analysis of the data, still in a very active stage, has shown interesting results on Hypernuclear Spectroscopy, Non-mesonic Decay, in particular rare decay modes, search for neutron-rich Hypernuclei and Deeply-Bound k-states. They will be discussed, as well as short and long term research plans.
