
日時: 2002-10-08 16:00 - 17:00
場所: 4号舘345号室
会議名: Neutrino interactions and their implications for Leptogenesis
連絡先: takeshi.komatsubarakek.jp
講演者: Emmanuel Paschos  (Dortmund/KEK)
講演言語: 英語
アブストラクト: Neutrinos are remarkable particles - their interactions show many regularities and a few surprises, like the mixing among neutrinos of different families (generations). In order to understand the origin of mixing and determine the parameters precisely, we need to understand (1) the nature of neutrinos: are they Dirac or Majorana particles, and (2) Precise values for their interactions with hadrons. Many of the interactions will be measured again in the new generation of experiments including long base line experiments. The seminar will cover several of the above topics and will point out the progress that has been made. In addition, Majorana neutrinoscan produce, in the early universe, a lepton-asymmetry which was converted later on to a baryon-asymmetry that we observe today. The possible connection of this phenopmenon to the laboratory experiments will be discussed.
