
日時: 2002-10-10 11:00 - 12:00
場所: 4号舘セミナーホール
会議名: Elementary Particles as Black Holes
連絡先: takeshi.komatsubarakek.jp
講演者: Gerard 'tHooft  (Utrecht)
講演言語: 英語
アブストラクト: A black hole is a legitimate solution of unquantized General Relativity, if its mass is more than the Planck mass, or about 20 micrograms. If we try to treat a black hole just as if it were an elementary particle itself, the known laws of quantum field theory appear to yield conflicting results. Nevertheless, from a physical point of view, there appears to be no reasonable disctinction between black holes at the Planck scale and other forms of matter, such as elementary particles. Modifying the laws of general relativity and quantum mechanics in order to obtain a coherent picture of what happens at the Planck scale, requires new physics, and we can do little more than guess its fundamental principles. Originally much criticized, but presently becoming more fashionable, is the assumption that quantum mechanical coherence and unitarity will have to be postulated. We are only beginning to unravel some of the consequences, such as a possible `stringy\\\' nature of space-time, although it is as yet unclear whether the more conventional formalisms of (super) string theory apply.
