
日時: 2002-11-05 16:00 - 17:00
場所: 4号舘345号室
会議名: On Extracting V(cb) (and V(ub)) with small Uncertainty
連絡先: takeshi.komatsubarakek.jp
講演者: Ikaros Bigi  (Notre Dame)
講演言語: 英語
アブストラクト: A state-of-the-art evaluation is presented of the total semileptonic B meson width as a function of V(cb) and heavy quark parameters through order 1/m_Q^3. It is discussed how the values of the heavy quark parameters can be determined independently; measuring energy and mass moments plays an important part here. Technical issues like proper definition of the parameters and the impact of experimental cuts are addressed. Comments are made about extracting V(ub).
