
日時: 2004-06-21 13:30 - 14:30
場所: 4号館1階 Seminar Hall
会議名: 物理セミナー「The Linear Collider Discussion」
連絡先: 物理セミナー係
講演者: Ronald Settles  (MPI)
講演言語: 英語
URL: http://seminar.kek.jp/physics/
アブストラクト: An overview of physics and detector issues for the sub-TeV linear will be given. I shall dwell some on the European point of view, since I am a member of the ECFA LC organizing committee, specifically on the large detector option, being one of the builders of the Aleph TPC. And I also want to outline world happenings, being also a member of the 'World-Wide-Study' organizing committee. In particular I shall emphasize reasons why a multi-TeV LC cannot be considered for the next machine, and why a sub-TeV machine is the only sensible option. I would like to close with a discussion with the audience, in an attempt to understand the present (slightly turbulent) political situation with regards to achieving our linear collider project.
