
日時: 2004-08-06 15:00 -
場所: 研究本館3階321号室
会議名: 古典ゲーム、量子ゲームに於ける利他主義の行列理論
連絡先: 丹後 敦子
講演者: 全 卓樹氏  (高知工科大 情報システム工学科)
講演言語: 英語
アブストラクト: In recent years, the game theory has become the foundation of modern, quantitative approaches in diverse fields of biological and social sciences. We review the basic concepts of the game theory such as the Nash equilibria, Pareto efficiency and replicator dynamics. We explore the matrix formulations of the game theory that come in two different flavors, classical and quantum. We examine the relation between these two, and clarify the common altruistic contents that sits at the core of the "solutions" of dilemma games. References: T.Cheon, "Evolutionary Stability of Ecological Hierarchy" Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 (2003) 258105(4) T.Cheon, "Altruistic Duality in Evolutionary Game Theory" Phy. Lett. A 318 (2003) 327-331 T.Cheon & S.Ohta, "Suppression of Ecological Competition by Apex Predator" Phys. Rev. E70, sous presse (2004), arXiv.org, cond-mat/038163 T.Cheon, "Altruistic Contents of Quantum Prisoner's Dilemma" arXiv.org, quant-ph/0406157 Reference Website:http://www.mech.kochi-tech.ac.jp/cheon/
