
日時: 2004-10-19 11:00 -
場所: 研究本館2階220号室
会議名: QCD in Beauty Decays: Recent Successes and Challenges
連絡先: 丹後
講演者: Prof. Nikolai Uraltsev  (INFN, Milano)
講演言語: 英語
アブストラクト: B decays represent the unique window to look for New Physics at moderate energies. They are also demanding for theory to treat strong interaction effects, and sensitively test our methods. Recent experiments at the B factories provided the new generation precision checks of the dynamic OPE-based theory in inclusive B decays at the nonperturbative level. This allows accurate determination of |V_cb| and paves the ways to reaching the accuracy in |V_ub| at the 5% level. I also describe some recent theoretical developments relevant for future experiments, including a `BPS' expansion for B->D decays. The so-called `1/2 > 3/2' puzzle is recalled; the most recent BELLE results support theory predictions vs. old data analyses. I briefly mention certain novel effects from the strong coupling regime in the QCD jets relevant for B->X_s+ gamma or B->X_u +l nu decays. The theoretical part is based on a significant number of publications, among them more recent hep-ph/0312001, hep-ph/0401063, hep-ph/0407359, UND-HEP-04-BIG03 (to appear). A brief discussion of these topics can be found in hep-ph/0409125.
