
日時: 2006-01-24 11:00 -
場所: 研究本館2階220号室
会議名: Twisted superspace formalism in four dimensions
連絡先: 丹後
講演者: 宮毛明子氏  (北海道大学大学院理学研究科)
講演言語: 日本語
アブストラクト: We propose N=4 twisted superspace formalism in four dimensions by introducing Dirac-Kahler twist. We can then construct twisted N=2 super Yang-Mills action using a superconnection formalism of twisted superspace. In addition we construct a off-shell Donaldson-Witten theory coupling to a twisted hypermultiplet. We show that this action possesses N=4 twisted supersymmetry at on-shell level.
