
日時: 2006-10-10 11:00 - 12:00
場所: 研究本館2階220室
会議名: A Holographic Dual of RHIC Hydrodynamics
連絡先: 津田
講演者: 中村 真  (Center for Quantum Spacetime, Hanyang University)
講演言語: 日本語
アブストラクト: Quark-gluon plasma (QGP) produced at RHIC experiment is a strongly interacting YM system, and application of AdS/CFT to the QGP system is very important because it can describe the strongly coupled region. It is also known that the QGP is a time-dependent hydrodynamic system which is well described by using Bjorken's one-dimensional expansion. In this talk, we construct a holographic dual of a gauge theory plasma which undergoes Bjorken's one-dimensional expansion with taking account of shear viscosity. We show that the obtained gravity dual is not only consistent with the hydrodynamics but also contains more information than the hydrodynamic analyses. Although the gauge theory we will consider is not QCD but N=4 large-Nc SYM theory, the present work is an important step for description of the time-dependent QGP systems. (ref. hep-th/0607123)
