
日時: 2006-12-05 11:00 - 12:00
場所: 研究本館2階220室
会議名: Dyonic Giant Magnons and Magnon Boundstates in AdS/CFT
連絡先: 津田
講演者: 岡村圭祐  (東京大学)
講演言語: 日本語
アブストラクト: The emergence of integrability on both sides of the AdS/CFT correspondence has continued to provide improvements in our understanding of the large-N gauge theory and string theory. In light of the integrability, the correspondence between classical spinning string solutions and the dual spin-chain states has been studied extensively. In particular, on the string side, I will concentrate on string solutions which are related to kink soliton solutions of Complex sine-Gordon equation via the so-called Pohlmeyer's reduction procedure. Such string states can be shown to be dual to BPS boundstates of many magnons in the spin-chain description of planar N = 4 SUSY Yang-Mills theory. Ref. hep-th/0605155, 0608047, 0609026, 0610295.
