
日時: 2008-05-20 11:00 - 12:00
場所: 研究本館2階220室
会議名: D3/D7 holographic gauge theory and chemical potential
連絡先: 津田
講演者: 石原雅文氏  (九州大学)
講演言語: 英語
アブストラクト: N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory with flavor hypermultiplets at finite temperature is studied for finite quark number density (n) by a dual supergravity background with nontrivial dilaton and axion. The quark and their number density n are introduced by embedding a probe D7 brane. We find a critical value of the chemical potential at the limit of n=0, and it coincides with the effective quark mass given in theory for n=0. At this point, a transition of the D7 embedding configuration occurs between their two typical ones. The phase diagrams of this transition are shown in the plane of chemical potential versus temperature. In this phase transition, the order parameter is considered as n.
