
日時: 2008-10-07 11:00 - 12:00
場所: 研究本館2階220室
会議名: Baryon Acoustic Oscillations and Future Galaxy Surveys (英語または日本語(参加者による)
連絡先: 津田
講演者: 樽家 篤史 氏  (東京大学)
アブストラクト: Recent discovery of the late-time cosmic acceleration reveals the presence of mysterious dark energy. It seems that dark energy only affects the cosmic expansion history, and the understanding of the nature of dark energy therefore needs further observations. Among several observational techniques, measuring the baryon acoustic oscillations (BAOs) imprinted on clustering patterns of large-scale structure is a promising way to reveal the late-time cosmic expansion history. Here, I briefly review the future precision measurements of BAOs. Prospects for precision cosmology with next-generation galaxy surveys as well as several theoretical issues together with recent efforts are also summarized.
