
日時: 2010-12-21 11:00 - 12:00
場所: 研究本館1階、会議室1
会議名: Quantum Gravity and Cosmological Density Perturbations
連絡先: 柴 正太郎、sshiba-AT-post.kek.jp
講演者: Ms. Reiko Toriumi  (University of California, Irvine)
講演言語: 英語
アブストラクト: The talk will focus on possible cosmological consequences of a running Newton’s constant G(d’Alembertian), as suggested by the nontrivial ultraviolet fixed point scenario in the quantum field-theoretic treatment of Einstein gravity with a cosmological constant term. I will first review the main results coming from the study of the renormalization group in quantum field theories in order to motivate the formulation of a running G. I will then go on to discuss possible effects a scale-dependent coupling might have on large scale cosmological density perturbations and on the cosmological slip function. Reference: H. W. Hamber and R. Toriumi, Phys. Rev. D 82 (2010) 043518, arXiv:1006.5214 [gr-qc].
