
日時: 2011-07-20 14:00 - 15:00
場所: 研究本館 3階 セミナー室322
会議名: Progress of EOS tables for core-collapse supernovae & its applications to explosion dynamics and neutrino signals
連絡先: 丹治 直人、tanji-AT-post.kek.jp
講演者: 住吉 光介  (沼津工業高等専門学校)
講演言語: 英語
URL: http://research.kek.jp/group/www-theory/schedule.html
アブストラクト: I would like to talk on the recent development of the EOS tables for core-collapse supernovae and their influence on the dynamics and the signal of neutrino bursts. I would like to describe the role of the equation of state in the neutrino-radiation hydrodynamics for supernova explosion. Some topics I try to cover include the mixture of light elements in supernova cores and the neutrino emission from the black hole formation.
