
日時: 2012-01-31 11:00 - 12:00
場所: 研究本館1階会議室1
会議名: The Holographic Spectral Functions in Non-Equilibrium States
連絡先: 松尾 善典, ymatsuo-AT-post.kek.jp
講演者: Mr. Souvik Banerjee  (Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar)
講演言語: 英語
URL: http://research.kek.jp/group/www-theory/schedule.html
アブストラクト: We show how holography gives a framework to reproduce aspects of kinetics in strongly coupled media. We develop a holographic prescription to compute the spectral function of (Bosonic/Fermionic) operators in non-equilibrium states. We apply this prescription to reproduce the expected oscillation of the holographic Fermi surface in states with hydrodynamic fluctuations about equilibrium.
