
日時: 2014-09-16 11:00 - 12:00
場所: 研究本館1階会議室3
会議名: Light-cone distribution amplitude of the B-meson
連絡先: 飛岡幸作、tobioka-AT-post.kek.jp
講演者: Prof.Thorsten Feldmann  (U Siegen, Germany)
講演言語: 英語
アブストラクト: Light-cone distribution amplitudes (LCDAs) for B-mesons in heavy-quark effective theory (HQET) provide one of the essential non-perturbative inputs entering QCD factorization theorems for exclusive B-decays. In this talk, I show how to derive the eigenfunctions of the Lange-Neubert evolution equation which governs the behaviour of the B-meson LCDAs under a change of renormalization scale. The spectrum of the LCDA with respect to these eigenfunctions defines a "dual" function which renormalizes multiplicatively. In terms of these dual functions, renormalization-group improved factorization formulas take a very simple form. I also report on how to implement perturbative constraints from the operator product expansion in HQET within the new formalism.
