For visitors

KEK is open for all interested people and no special physics knowledge is required. Discover the world of the most advanced science and technology.

KEK Communication Plaza

At KEK Communication Plaza, you can learn about the leading edge research being done at the KEK. Located at Tsukuba Campus, KEK Communication Plaza will makes everybody to feel closer to the world of mysterious universe with many interactive exhibits include brand-new “Wonder Quark,” which you can experience the world of smallest particles.
No reservation is required to visit KEK Communication Plaza.

※ All displays are available in Japanese only. Some English theater contents are available. Please contact PR department for more information.

Hours:9:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Open 7 days a week except new-year and summer holidays. Please check the Announcement page (link) for holiday schedule.

Facility Tour

If you wish to make a plan for KEK facility tour, please contact the PR department by phone or by e-mail, Monday to Friday, from 9:30 AM to 5 PM (except Japanese national holidays). Please make a reservation as early as possible with the group of 10 or more persons.

Phone: +81 29 -879-6047