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On February 3, 2011, a meeting on collaboration between Indian laboratories and KEK in the field of accelerator-based sciences was held in New Delhi, India.
The meeting began with opening remarks from Dr. Srikumar Banerjee, the Secretary of the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE). He emphasized the importance of developing partnerships between Indian institutes and KEK. Atsuto Suzuki, the Director General of KEK, explained the KEK roadmap in relation to international collaboration.
Next, the directors of Indian research institute gave an overview of current activities on science and technology programs at each laboratory.
Professors from KEK provided explanations and overviews on various research activities being carried out at the laboratory including the research at the Photon Factory (PF) and its "Indian beamline," which has been set up and operated at the PF since 2010 for exclusive use of Indian researchers, update of activities at J-PARC, and progress of the Super-KEKB project.
At the core meeting that followed, participants discussed a number of opportunities for partnership and collaboration, and made efforts to identify areas where practical collaboration could be undertaken. Both the Japanese and Indian participants nominated contact persons in the research fields of nuclear/particle physics, photon science, and accelerator science. These persons will facilitate the establishment of working groups to promote collaboration between Indian institutes and KEK in these research fields.
Reflecting on the meeting, the Secretary of DAE said,"We are discussing various international research collaborations (with India). We want to identify some research collaboration areas with KEK, and discuss these in detail. Based on concrete ideas, we would like to initiate these research collaborations. India looks forward to a mutually beneficial partnership with KEK. "
The Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) is responsible for nuclear technology, including nuclear power and research. The department has been pursuing basic research as well as technological development.
Indian laboratories