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\"\"Please click<\/span> the numbers on the map, and see the explanation windows<\/span><\/p>\r\n\n

\n1. Central Control room<\/strong>
The entire enormous accelerator complex of KEKB is controlled from this room. Dozens of monitors continuously display the state of the accelerator. these are also many other sub control rooms operating under the control of the central facility.
\n2. Superconducting Accelerating Cavities<\/strong>
The electron ring is equipped with superconducting accelerating cavities. The actual cavity itself is made from superconductor, and thus produces a high accelerating voltage. This is a triumph of the world-class High Energy Accelerator Research Organization's superconductor technology.
\n3. Cryogenic Cooling System<\/strong>
12,000L of liquid He is stored and is used to keep the Superconducting Cavities at 4\u00b0K
\n4. End of the Beam transport Line and the Injection point to the Main Ring<\/strong>
Here the beam supplied by the injector enters the ring. Using speial electromagnets with fast-varying magnetic fields, it is possible to rapidly replenish the beam stored in the ring.
\n5. The Injection Linac<\/strong>
This powerful linear accelerator supplies a 7 billion electron-volt electron beam and a 4 billion electron-volt positron beam to the two KEKB rings. It is a multi-purpose facility which also supplies other electron accelerators at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization.
\n6. Klystron<\/strong>
The Klystrons are installed in the Main Rings, the Linac and the Damping ring. They generate the most powerful microwaves for the Accelerating Cavities.
\n7. Normal conducting accelerating cavities (ARES)<\/strong>
The electromagnetic field inside this cavity supplies energy to accelerate the beam. It has a special structure composed of three cavities, which was designed to withstand even the world's highest beam currents.
\n8. Collision Point<\/strong>
Electron Ring and Positron Ring intersect here letting electrons and positrons collide with each other. The detector (Belle II) will be moved to cover the collision point.
\n9. Magnets<\/strong>
Roughly 1000 Quadrupole magnets., 220 Bending magnets, 200 Sextupole magnets and 1100 correction magnets are used in the Main Rings.
\n10. Skew Sextupole Magnets<\/strong>
New invention of KEKB accelerator to improve the luminosity.
\n11. Beam Position Monitors \u00b7 Solenoid Magnets<\/strong>
Beam Position Monitors measure the beam position with the precision of 1\u03bcm. Solenoid Magnets prevent the electron clouds from affecting the beam sizes.
\n12. Beam Suze Monitors<\/strong>
Measure 3-dimensional sizes of the beam. New inventions for SuperKEKB.
\n13. Bunch by Bunch Feedback<\/strong>
Reduces instability of the beam.
\n14. Damping Ring<\/strong>
Reduces the sizes of the positron beam before injecting the Main Ring.
\n15. Positron Source<\/strong>
Electron beam is applied to tungsten target to produce positrons.
\n16. RF Electron Gun (electron source)<\/strong>
Powerful laser is applied to an alloy to produce electrons.
\n17. QCS<\/strong>
Superconducting Quadrupole Magnets focusing the beams strongly near the Collision Point.
\r\nFacilities and Components<\/summary>\r\n
  1. Central Control<\/li>\r\n
  2. Superconducting Accelerating Cavities<\/li>\r\n
  3. Cryogenic Cooling System<\/li>\r\n
  4. End of the Beam transport Line and the Injection point to the Main Ring<\/li>\r\n
  5. The Injection Linac<\/li>\r\n
  6. Klystron<\/li>\r\n
  7. Normal conducting accelerating cavities (ARES)<\/li>\r\n
  8. Collision Point<\/li>\r\n
  9. Magnets<\/li>\r\n
  10. Skew Sextupole Magnets<\/li>\r\n
  11. Beam Position Monitors · Solenoid Magnets<\/li>\r\n
  12. Beam Suze Monitors<\/li>\r\n
  13. Bunch by Bunch Feedback<\/li>\r\n
  14. Damping Ring<\/li>\r\n
  15. Positron Sourc<\/li>\r\n
  16. RF Electron Gun (electron source)<\/li>\r\n
  17. QCS
    \u2192<\/span>Electron Ring
    \u2190<\/span>Positron Ring<\/li>\r\n<\/ol>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n



    Electron and Positron Paths<\/h3>\r\n



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