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last update: 09/05/01   
   Swine Influenza (Swine Flu) Alert
May 1, 2009
Please be alert about the followings.

Swine Flu could become a serious threat although the epidemic is contained within several countries at the moment. We advise you to take a precautionary measure.

  [ How to recognize it: ]
(A) A quick rise of body temperature beyond 38 deg. C
(B) Body-wide muscle/joint pain, feeling of powerlessness,
     (This symptom is stronger than the case of common cold)
(C) Coughing and running nose, just like a common cold symptom
  [ What to do if you notice above symptoms: ]
Rushing to a hospital could cause spreading the virus to others, if you really have a swine flu. Call 029-851-9287 (Tsukuba-Hoken-Jyo) for consultation first.

(Weekdays, 9:00 to 17:00) Ibaraki Prefectural Office is preparing a phone line to respond to non-Japanese languages.
  [ Precautionary measures: ]
(A) Stay away from overcrowded places, including packed trains,
(B) Wash hands thoroughly and gurgle well.
(C) Wear surgical mask that covers your nose and mouth.
(D) Keep room humidity reasonably high (50%-60%)

'Simple surgical masks protect wearers from splashes in the mouth with body fluids. They also remind wearers not to touch their mouth or nose, which could otherwise transfer viruses and bacteria after having touched a contaminated surface. They can also reduce the spread of infectious droplets (carrying bacteria or viruses) that are created when the wearer coughs or sneezes. They are not designed to protect the wearer from inhaling such particles. A surgical mask will trap some particles but is much less effective than a mask designed for this purpose.'

Health and Safety Office, KEK
Ext. 5600

1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801 Japan | Copyright | Send Question |