KEKB HER  Beam Storage!!


KEKB Commissioning Group has been carrying out machine commissioning of the
KEKB accelerator. At 18:11 on Dec. 13 (Sun),an 8 GeV electron beam was successfully stored in the HER (High Energy Ring).
The following photo shows signals picked up by a beam-monitoring antennaattached at the ring. The periodic signals are induced by a 8 GeV electronbunch circulating the ring at a period of 10 micro-seconds. At 7am Dec. 15,0.25mA beam is stored in the HER in the single bunch mdoe. Electrons sufferfrom being scattered by gas molecules remaining in the ring and they can atpresent circulate the ring only a few minutes long, which would become farlonger as the ring vacuum improves. 

Signals picked up by a beam-monitoring
antenna attached at the ring

Commissioning Group members who
conducted the first beam storage and others

Current Status:Commissioning Group