Belle is the detector of the KEK B-factory project to look into the physical
law that explains the mystery of the imbalance between matter and anti-matter
in the universe. A phenomena called CP-violation was found in the neutral
K meson system about thirty five years ago that may be the cause of the
imbalance. However, we still do not understand why and how the phenomena
could show up. Researchers from all over the world got together at KEK
in 1994 and started to build a huge but precision particle detector to
challenge to this puzzle by studying more promising system, B mesons. Now
the detector is in the final stage of the preparation and almost ready
to start measurement.
On November 2nd, 1998, laboratory employees were invited (See the left
picture. A progress is obvious in the right picture taken after a month)
to enjoy a rare opportunity to see the inner detector components . Those
would be hidden from public eyes once the whole system is totally completed
and the two ends are closed. The Belle detector will be moved into the
collision point of the KEKB
collider in February 1999.
98.11.02 |
98.12.02 |