Recent Progress on KEK B Factory Accelerator Construction

The B Factory is an experimental facility for research on the CP violation in the particle physics. The construction of the accelerator facility is in the final stage. It is scheduled to be accomplished in this fiscal year 1998. The accelerator consists of two rings (3 km circumference) for 8 GeV electron and 3.5 GeV positron beams. These beams collide in the experimental detector named BELLE and located in the Tsukuba Exp. Hall. The magnets (1600 in total) for guiding the both beams were installed precisely along the circular beam line by August 21st. The photo (bottom left) shows the final wrench work by KEK Director General, Prof. H. Sugawara to set the last magnet.

Presently beam pipes are being installed through the magnet yokes all along the 3 km circumference of each ring, 6 km in total length. In parallel, large amount of cables, for both power and control, are being laid and connected to these magnets.


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