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last update: 08/09/22   
Learning Integrated Circuit Development for Particle Detectors
From Sep. 8 through 12, integrated circuit (IC) development seminar was held by KEK Detector Technology Project and IPNS Electronics System Group.

This program was, in part, a Promotion of Collaborative Research and Education Programs in Universities, supported by KEK.

Technology of integrated circuit is now an essential part of our life. It has also become one of the key technologies for many kinds of sensors in science frontiers. Customized integrated circuits, known as ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuits), have been developed for particle derectors at KEK. The aim of this seminar is to revitalize the R&D efforts of such sensors in Japan, with an in-depth know-how of the techniques.

There were three courses for the beginners. A total of 32 students and researchers learned the basics, techniques of three LSI processes, circuit design, characteristics of analog library cells developed in KEK and its layout. Some of them are planning to submit and test their LSI in this fiscal year.


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