A workshop for ILC detector was held at KEK from December 15 through 17.
In parallel to the accelerator development,
studies on ILC physics and detectors are pursued actively in Japan
and worldwide, with a plan to prepare letters of intent (LOI) by next March
and subsequently develop a technical design.
This workshop was the third in the series of annual workshops
promoted by the JSPS Creative Scientific Research program on
ILC detectors. The workshop aims to summarize progresses in
studies on ILC physics and detectors in Japan and
publicize results to broad community.
The workshop started with opening session on overview of
ILC project, then followed by sessions on detector optimizations,
ILC physics and detector technologies. Current status and plan
for the LOI were discussed extensively. About 40 researchers
and students from Japanese universities and institutes
participated the workshop. The workshop had been connected
to remote universities with video conferencing system.
In the evening of the first day,
a special colloquium by Professor Atsuto Suzuki, Director General
of KEK, was organized jointly with the ATF project meeting.
He gave a talk entitled "Outlook: Accelerator Science", as many
scientists listened to his presentation with a great interest.