A new beamline for R&D toward nano-meter electron beam has started
operation at KEK's Accelerator Test Facility - ATF.
This new beamline, called ATF2, is an extension of ATF, and the focus of
the research there will be on establishing the technologies for creation
and control of a nano-meter-sized electron beam.
ATF is an accelerator complex at KEK for development of advanced
technologies for future accelerators, including the International Linear
Collider (ILC). ATF has been producing and using an electron beam with
an extremely small vertical-emittance, as required by ILC. The new
beamline, ATF2, was designed with a beam optics design scaled from the
ILC's final focus system. Goals of R&D at ATF2 are to achieve a vertical
beam size as small as 35 nm, and to establish the technologies for
stabilizing this beam at the nano meter level.
A formal international collaboration for ATF has been active since 2005.
This collaboration includes members from most of major accelerator
laboratories and universities in the world, and the design and
construction of the ATF2 beamline have been carried out in this
framework. In-kind contributions of overseas institutes, including those
from China, Korea, France, UK and US, have been smoothly integrated into
ATF2. The successful international co-operation in ATF2 can be regarded
as a model for the global collaboration that is envisaged for ILC.