
The 26th OHO seminar on high-energy accelerator held at KEK

05 Oct 2010


31 August -3 September, the OHO'10 seminar was held at KEK with 45 scientists and engineers form institutes, universities and industries. The purpose of OHO seminar is to develop and deepen the interest for the accelerator science of younger generations in both academia and industries. OHO seminar has been held once a year since 1984.

The theme of this year's seminar was "Generation of a high-current beam - the beam commissioning at the J-PARC". The participants learned various aspects of the proton accelerator, starting with basics such as the characteristics and current performance of the J-PARC, and the beam dynamics in high intensity proton accelerators. Topics such as beam monitoring, beam injections and extractions, magnets and cryogenics were also covered in the lecture. Programs and the textbooks of previous OHO lectures (in Japanese) are available here.