For international dialogue on future
particle collider accelerators projects and research in particle physics
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The Funding Agencies for Large Colliders (FALC)

FALC's group photo at the 24th meeting, held at Fermilab, Batavia in May 2014 (Credit: FALC)
FALC, established in 2003, is an informal venue for funding agencies in the world to share the information on future particle collider accelerators projects and research in particle physics therein.
FALC is an informal body composed of representatives from funding agencies in the world. FALC meets twice a year to discuss the status and progress of global R&D projects for future large colliders and detectors at major laboratories in the member countries. The current membership includes representatives from Canada and the U.S. (Americas), France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the UK, CERN and CERN Council (Europe), and China, India, Japan and Korea (Asia). The Chairs of ICFA (International Committee of Future Accelerators) and the LCB (Linear Collider Board), and the Director of the LCC (Linear Collider Collaboration) are invited to attend the meetings.
Latest Information
- The 25th FALC meeting was held in Beijing, China on 30 October 2014
- Next FALC meeting will be held at CERN in May 2015
Copyright (C) Funding Agencies for Large Colliders