Logo RedisPubSub Project   v0.9.0
RedisPubSub is an utility with Publisher/Subscirber model based on Redis for J-PARC/MLF.
RedisPubSub.cpp File Reference

Redis-based Publisher/Subscriber utility for J-PARC/MLF. More...

#include "RedisPubSub.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <csignal>
#include <cerrno>
Include dependency graph for RedisPubSub.cpp:

Detailed Description

Redis-based Publisher/Subscriber utility for J-PARC/MLF.

RedisPubSub is a Redis-based Publisher/Subscriber utility for J-PARC/MLF. RedisPubSub is an utility with Publisher/Subscirber model based on Redis. The Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker. The RedisPubSub was created without using smart pointer, but the smart pointer technique was adopted by the recommendation from Hosoya-san and then the RedisPubSub was renewed.

Yoshiji Yasu (Yoshi.nosp@m.ji.Y.nosp@m.asu@k.nosp@m.ek.j.nosp@m.p)