1-1. Itinerant-to-Localized Transmutation of Electrons Across the Metal-to-Insulator Transition in V2O3 [pdf file (1MB) ]
1-2. Evaluating a Crystallographically Heterogeneous Graphene/L10‑FePd Interface with a Perpendicular Orbital Moment by Depth-Resolved X-Ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism [pdf file (1.2MB) ]
1-3. X-Ray Detection of Magnetic Octupole Order Producing a Large Anomalous Hall Effect [pdf file (235KB) ]
1-4. Characterization of the Electronic Structure in High-Hole Mobility SnO Film [pdf file (963KB) ]
1-5. Local Flexoelectricity and Magnetism in Strain-Gradient Rare-
Earth Iron Garnet Thin Films [pdf file (1.2MB) ]
1-6. Unique Atomic Structure of Copper as the Origin of Fracture [pdf file (1.4MB) ]
1-7. Crystal Structure and Magnetism of Natural Mineral Henmilite from Fuka Mine, Okayama Prefecture [pdf file (855KB) ]
1-8. Demonstration of Metal–Insulator Transition Induced by Resonant Tunneling in Double Quantum Well Structures of Strongly Correlated Oxides [pdf file (614KB) ]
2. Chemical Science
2-1. Photocleavable Regenerative Synthetic Elastomers for the
On–Off Switching of Mechanical Properties [pdf file (990KB)]
2-2. Janus-shaped Single-Chain Nanoparticles Formed by One-Shot
Intrablock Cross-Linking of Linear Block Copolymer [pdf file (965KB)]
2-3. The Labyrinth of Block Copolymers with Nanometer Scale: Conditions for Forming Ordered Bicontinuous Double-Diamond Structures [pdf file (387KB)]
2-4. Topology-Transformable Block Copolymers Based on a Rotaxane Structure: Change in Microstructures and Bulk Properties with the Same Composition [pdf file (419KB)]
2-5. Reversible Folding/Unfolding of Diarylethene-Incorporated Supramolecular Polymers by Light [pdf file (2.95MB)]
2-6. Nanosized and Metastable Mo Oxides for Aqueous Li-Ion Batteries [pdf file (963KB)]
3. Life Science
3-1. Structural Analysis of the TxCo-1 Antibody Effective Against the Toxic Conformer of Amyloid β [pdf file (1.38MB)]
3-2. Crystal Structure Unveiled the Reaction Mechanism of Novel C-C Bond Cleavage Proteins [pdf file (716KB)]
3-3. Anomalous Solution Scattering for Protein Structure Modeling [pdf file (576KB)]
3-4. Molecular Mechanism of Specific Aminoacyl-tRNA Acetylation by Salmonella Typhimurium TacT [pdf file (1.25MB)]
3-6. SARS Coronavirus 3CL Protease Inhibitors with an Electrophilic Arylketone Warhead [pdf file (2.46MB)]
3-7. Structure of Myosin XI, the Fastest Myosin Class [pdf file (3.6MB)]
3-8. Observation of Autism Model Rat Brain by Phase-Contrast X-Ray CT [pdf file (288KB)]
4. Instrumentation and Techniques
4-1. Data-driven Sensitivity Analysis in Surface Structure
Determination by Total-Reflection High-Energy Positron Diffraction (TRHEPD) [pdf file (507KB)]
4-2. Development of Full-Field X-Ray Multi-Contrast Zooming Optics [pdf file (726KB)]
4-3. Real-Time Observation of Cobalt Surface Oxidation Reactions Proceeding in the Depth Direction by Wavelength-Dispersive Soft X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy [pdf file (452KB)]
5. Accelerator
5-1. Conceptual Design of the Hybrid Ring:Towards Simultaneous Use of Two Synchrotron Radiation Beams [pdf file (402KB)]
5-2. Ultra-Low Synchrotron Radiation-Stimulated Desorption from Pd/TiZrV Coated Cu Tubes [pdf file (500KMB)]
5-3. Injection Section Upgrading with the Septum-Magnet Replacement in KEK-PF Ring [pdf file (662KB)]