S. Sasaki (1990) KEK Report 90-16.
This web page was constructed by T. Hanashima in 2001.
Linear absorption coefficient
Linear absorption coefficient of materials defined by Eq (1).
I=I0 exp(-ux)
M A for the database is a atomic absorption coefficient for a crystal.Using the atomic absorption coefficient for a crystal, we have
u=z sum(M A)i/(V10-24)
where z is a chemical unit, V is the cell volume in Angstrom unit,and the summation is taken over the constituent elements in the chemical formula. For an exaple of tetragonal Tl2CaBa2Cu2O8 (z=2,V=435A3) at the wavelength =0.5A, the linear-absorption coefficient is calculated
as u=196(cm-1).
Furthermore, the linear-absorption coefficient, u, can be calculated
from M/R as:
u=d sum(pi(M/R)i)
where d is the density (g/cm3) of the material,pi is the fractional part(by weight) of the constituent elements of the compound, and the summation is taken over all elements. The u value of the tungsten having the density of 19.24 g/cm3 is calculated at wavelength=0.5 A as u=~687 (cm-1).