KEK-TRIUMF Exchange Program for Early Career Researchers (EPECR)


The application deadline is March 31, 2025 at 5:00 PM JST.

KEK and TRIUMF are pleased to announce the joint establishment of the KEK-TRIUMF Exchange Program for Early Career Researchers (EPECR). The EPECR is a researcher and student exchange program that promotes the development of up-and-comers who will play a key role in accelerator science and its related fields.An important aim of the program is to help foster new collaborations between KEK and TRIUMF. EPECR provides early career researchers affiliated to either of the two institutes with the opportunity of performing research activities at the other institute, enriching both the Japanese and Canadian science and innovation landscapes.

Benefits of Participating in an Exchange

·         Continue to advance your research horizons while collaborating with foreign colleagues and gaining international experience at another world-leading center
·         Play a role in facilitating new collaborations and partnerships between KEK and TRIUMF
·         Enrich your continuous learning with opportunities to understand an array of different cultural and community perspectives

Research Areas

With an aim to strengthen the mutual cooperation between KEK and TRIUMF and a particular emphasis on fostering new collaboration between the labs, the EPECR is focused on the research areas outlined below:

·         Physics programs including T2K (Tokai to Kamioka), Hyper-Kamiokande, Belle II, ATLAS, and other experiments using neutron, muon and kaon
·         Materials and molecular sciences
·         Accelerator R&D, accelerator physics
·         Other research activities including theoretical research under the ongoing collaboration or toward a new collaboration between the two institutes

Program Details for KEK to TRIUMF EXCHANGE

(See the TRIUMF page on program for exchange in the TRIUMF to KEK direction)

Work Places

All awardees dispatched by KEK will go to TRIUMF in Canada. In special cases, awardees dispatched by KEK may be allowed to be posted at an alternate Canadian work location if it is imperative for completion of their proposed research plan.

Exchange Length

Each exchange will be a minimum of 2 weeks and a maximum of 3 months, with exchange period beginning and ending in the same fiscal year (April to next March). For the 2025/26 intake, all applicants must plan to complete their exchange between June 2025 and end of March 2026.

Eligible Applicants

The EPECR is open to early career researchers who meet the following:
·         Postdoctoral researchers affiliated to KEK
·         Graduate students affiliated to KEK

- A definition of eligible applicants is shown in the attached table titled Definition of "Eligible Applicant" and "Acceptance Authority for application submission".
- Please ensure without fail that the planned research activity under the EPECR is allowed in light of the job scope of applicant’s position.


Number of Awardees

There will be opportunities for approximately two awardees in each direction per fiscal year (April to next March).


Program Coverage

This program will support the travel costs for the awardees, as well as providing funding for subsistence (i.e. meals and accommodation) while abroad.
While the funding available within the EPECR program is limited, all applicants are encouraged to make use of any other research funding available to them to support international travel expenses.


Application Deadline: March 31, 2025 at 5:00 PM JST

Required Documents for Applicants

·         Application form (PDF) (WORD)
·         Curriculum Vitae
·         Publication list
·         One letter of support from either the Japanese side senior scientist or the hosting researcher at TRIUMF making the scientific case for the exchange

·         Evidence (such as email communication) that the applicant has obtained approval to apply for the EPECR by their supervisor(*)
·         Evidence (such as email communication) that the research group at TRIUMF expresses their intention of acceptance that the applicant, should they be awarded an EPECR opportunity, would perform his/her research activities with them under the EPECR requirements


For marked (*), prospected person who approves an application by applicant is shown in the attached table Definition of "Eligible Applicant" and "Acceptance Authority for application submission".

Get started with your application here. (PDF) (WORD)

Where to Submit

All application materials must be submitted together with the application form by email before the application deadline to the Program Contact:

KEK International Affairs Division

Awardee Selection

The selection of winners will be made by the EPECR Steering Committee, which consists of representatives from both KEK and TRIUMF. The results are expected to be announced in May 2025.

·      Pre-selection will be based on the application documents received.
·  Video interviews may be part of the selection process.

Report on Achievement

A report on achievement during the dispatch shall be submitted by email to the Program Contact ( within one month after the date of return to the dispatching institute.The report shall be written in English and the report on achievement form can be found here.

Request for your cooperation for a follow-up survey by KEK IINAS-NX

This program is supported by KEK Inter-Institution Network for Accelerators Science to Next Generation (IINAS-NX). One of the missions of IINAS-NX is to train young international researchers for high energy accelerators and related research fields. The participants of EPECR are requested to cooperate with a follow-up survey to collect the impacts of the KEK IINAS-NX project.
For the further detailed information of this follow-up survey, please refer to

Program Contact

KEK International Affairs Division