What is KEK Repository?

An "[institutional repository] is a set of services provided by a university or research institution to members of its community to manage and disseminate digital materials created by the institution and its members." (National Institute of Informatics) @

The KEK Repository is a system for providing the results of KEK's research to a wide range of people inside and outside of the company.

ĦKEK Repository (KEK Research Results Database)
- How to register and KEK Repository Q&A(KEK only) 
- KEK Repository Guidelines (PDF) (KEK only)[Japanese only] 

ĦOpen Access Links
- Promotion of Open Access to Academic Information (Summary of Discussion)(Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) [Jananese only]
- How to Promote Open Science in Japan (Cabinet Office, Government of Japan)
- Open Access Handbook (The University of Tokyo Library) [Japanese only]
- Association for the Promotion of Open Access Repositories (JPCOAR)
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

ĦInstitutional Repository Links - Institutional Repository Portal (IRDB)
- Scholarly and Academic Association Copyright Policy Database (SCPJ)
- Japan Promotion Council for Open Access Repositories (JPCOAR)
Confederation of Open Access Repositories(COAR)