
日時: 2009-02-19 13:30 - 15:00
場所: 2号館1階会議室中
会議名: Simulations on beam-beam with chromaticity
連絡先: 大見 和史
講演者: Demin Zhou  (総研大)
アブストラクト: Chromaticity of twiss parameters and X-Y coupling parameters due to lattice nonlinearity is supposed to be one of the sources of luminosity degradation in KEKB with crab crossing. To obtain insights into the effect of chromaticity, various investigations were done by simulations using beam-beam codes including chromaticity. The results indicate that to some extent, the crosstalk between beam-beam interaction and chromaticity leads to vertical beam size blow-up and luminosity degradation. The luminosity degradation induced by chromaticity appears to depend on working points and amplitude of chromatic coupling, but slightly on bunch current. Accordingly, we briefly discuss the necessity of careful measurements of chromaticity, as well as methods to suppress lattice nonlinearity.
