
日時: 2013-03-11 15:00 - 16:00
場所: Meeting room 425 in 4th floor, bldg. 3
会議名: Intrinsic N-well Monolitic Active Pixel Sensor R&D for Nuclear and Particle Physics
連絡先: Mibe (mibe_at_post.kek.jp)
講演者: Prof. Adrian Bevan  (Queen Mary, University of London)
講演言語: 英語
URL: http://rd.kek.jp/seminar_01.html
アブストラクト: Intrinsic N-well Monolitic Active Pixel Sensors (INMAPS for short) are based on CMOS imaging technology. The fast readout, low mass and in pixel signal processing capability of this technology lends itself to a number of applications. I will given an overview of the technology, and recent results.
