
日時: 2003-12-12 13:30 - 14:30
場所: 4号館345号室
会議名: 合同セミナー「Geant4 at SLAC/BaBar」[英語]
連絡先: 素核研物理・計算機センタージョイントセミナー
講演者: Makoto Asai  (SLAC)
講演言語: 英語
URL: http://seminar.kek.jp/physics/
アブストラクト: This talk covers brief introduction of Geant4, its development history, its user support processes and introduction of its use in various application fields. Emphasis will be put on how SLAC especially BaBar utilizes Geant4 and how SLAC has involved to the development of Geant4.
