
日時: 2003-11-07 15:00 - 16:00
場所: PF研究棟2F会議室
会議名: PFセミナー「XAS at the ESRF: Activities on BM29 and ID24」
講演者: Dr. Sakura. Pascarelli  (ESRF)
講演言語: 英語
URL: http://pfwww.kek.jp/pf-seminar/
アブストラクト: I will introduce the two EXAFS beam lines of the X-ray Absorption and Magnetic Scattering Group, BM29 and ID24. A large portion of beam time on these two beam lines is dedicated to XAS studies in extreme conditions. I will show some recent results in this field. In particular, I will focus on a study on the pressure dependence of ion hydration in aqueous solutions performed on BM29 using a Paris Edinburgh Press and on a study of the evolution of the electronic structure and of the intramolecular distances in solid halogens as a function of pressure, performed on ID24 using a Diamond Anvil Cell. Another important field of application of ID24 is dedicated to in-situ studies on heterogeneous catalysts. I will show an example of \"in-situ\" time resolved XAS study devoted to elucidate the correlation between the activity and selectivity of the catalyst and the structural modifications around the metal center.
